Can I get access to detailed/unavailable artwork/screenshots?
Artwork and screenshots from many of our games are available from our press site (http://capcomeuro-press.com/). If it is not present there then unfortunately we probably cannot give you access to it.

Can I make a Capcom fan site?
Capcom does not object to you creating a website which may contain reference to Capcom games or characters, with the understanding that this is done as a personal activity and that you do not intend to receive revenue by this use of our property. Also, we will not object to the website as long as it is not obscene, defamatory, libellous, offensive or slanderous towards Capcom, our products, or employees, or any third party; or violate any intellectual property right or a person's right of publicity or privacy. This policy is in no way meant to be interpreted as creating an agreement or grant of license from Capcom to you. So if you are a fan of Capcom games, and you have a website that you would like to create, Capcom will not object so long as you are working within the above stated criteria.

Can I use one of your characters?
Capcom does not object to a one-off use of a character for such things as school projects or a personal T-shirt with the understanding that this is done as a personal activity and that you do not intend to receive revenue by this use of our property. Also, we will not object to such use as long as it is not obscene, defamatory, libellous, offensive or slanderous towards Capcom, our products, or employees, or any third party and does not violate any intellectual property right or a person's right of publicity or privacy. This policy is in no way meant to be interpreted as creating an agreement or grant of license from Capcom to you. We reserve the right to withdraw our permission should this prove necessary.
If you wish to use one of our characters or trademarks for commercial purposes, please contact licensing_eu@capcom.com giving as much information as possible about your proposal and we will forward it to the relevant department.

How do I get on your press list?
For addition to our press release list, please go to http://capcomeuro-press.com and select 'new user', and then enter the required details.

Licensing requests
For all brand and product licensing enquiries please email the licensing team on licensing_eu@capcom.com

Who can I contact regarding work experience or job opportunities at Capcom?
All job enquiries can be directed to jobs@capcom.com whilst we try to provide feedback to all enquiries, due to the large volume of requests sometimes this is not possible. Please also follow @CapcomJobs as all new vacancies are posted here first.